Tuesday, July 26, 2005

$200 reload bonus

I got the exact points required to clear my reload bonus last night so I withdrew all my money. It supposedly takes 24hrs to process and I am testing how it all works. Either way I will reload tonight and make sure everything worked and they DO give me my bonus. I cleared it pretty quick last night so played on Pokerstars after withdrawing on BODOG as PS have a reload bonus on right now too. It was a max. bonus of $120 and I have to get 600fpp, thus its not as good as bodog. Early in the night I got stuck early for $160 mainly because I lost with QQ twice. One time I raised a button limper to $12 with them and he called with 69s and the flop came x99 - whatever! I won it back though and ended the night $60 up with an extra $200 in bonus expected so all is good. I look forward to playing again tonight. I am also curious to see how smoothly the reloading goes on Bodog.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Back at Bodog

To the numbers!...Was a good week with a profit of $1440. My game is back and I am back on track. Been too long since my last $1k plus week so it was very welcome. Eurobet is my usual site to play on because I get rakeback there bt for a week and a half they have been having connection issues and tables are constantly shutting down. I got so fed up with it I decided to ditch them and sent them a letter telling them that. What other site to use though? I wanted something to replace the missed raked and I knew Bodog gives reload bonuses so I went to them. There reload bonus is 20% so I deposited $1k, getting a $200 bonus. I need to earn 600 bodog points to clear my bonus and over Fri.-Sun. I earnt 500 of those 600 points...do you realize what that means?! It means that on any given week I can probably generate 600 bodog points and earn myself $200 reload bonuses every week (ie. I will reload everytime I make 600 points)! That is a shitload of free money and huge relative to what I try to make. Not only is this more money than I am currently earning via rakeback but Bodog has the worst poker players I have ever seen. If I simply play a tight solid game there is no way that I wont be profitable. I remember swearing off of Bodog a while back because there bonus redemption sucked ass but now that I know how it works and I also know how much money there reloads can generate I have fallen back in love. It was a joy to see such terrible play at the tables too. There is also usually a couple of severely short stacks at your table just waiting to gift you there money on their typical marginal play. I look forward to clearing my first bonus over the next two days and reloading to start again.

Things are looking much more positive for my poker game which makes meeting my mortgage a hell of a lot easier, a relief to my mind. I keep thinking "I can make $800/month just from reload bonuses!!". Just from that I have enough to keep me going in my new home. BTW my new home should be legally mine this week. When I told my Dad I need money from poker each month to be able to keep up with payments he gave me a small lecture so rather than debate over it I said I would be okay without it, which actually I wouldnt. But most laymen to poker dont realize their is a steady income to be made from poker if you know how and it doesnt have to be the "gamble" most people think of it. Speaking of my parents they are arriving to see me on Oct. 29th and staying for 2 weeks. Will be great to see them.

Ohhh, good story...I was at the gym Sat. morning and my wallet fell out of my pants and but a few minutes later a gentleman returned it to me. Didnt look like anything was missing so I carried on. That afternoon Discover credit card called me to confirm a transaction...a $5k transaction! It has now gone to fraud. Only one thing was missing from my wallet -> my Discover credit card. I am just super glad I dont have to cover tha bill.

Lets get on with the week...SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Still going good

Eurobet has been having connection issues the last week. I am on three tables and one of them will have a connection problem and usually boot you from the table, sometimes just you, sometimes several people and sometimes the whole table. It sucks donkey dick but it is possible it saved me money on one hand...
I had AA and raised to $10 from MP with one limper. The button reraised to $40 and I was debating whether to push in or call and check raise all-in on the flop. I went with the second option and pressed call when the table had anothe connection issue. I was booted and jumped back in to see I had been able to call. The flop came TKx and I checked to my opponnent but he had also been booted but didnt make it back so he timed out. The pot stayed at what it was and the turn and river were dealt, Qx. Opponent had QQ for the best hand and I only lost $40. Now if I had pushed PF would he have called? If I had checkraised him all-in on the flop would he have called? I will never know, but at least the disconnect made sure I didnt lose my stack.
On a hand earlier I had JJ and raised to $8 from EP and was raised to $20 from LP. I called thinking he had AK but of course unsure. Flop came QJA and I decided to lead out a half pot bet of $20. Opponent raised me to $70 and I put him all-in for about $50 more. My opponent had QJo! River was an ace and I boated for the best hand - I am gald it wasnt set vs set!! I was lucky enough to get high pp's a lot last night and as is my new strategy I raise them big PF. Didnt make much off them apart from the JJ hand above. Did win some medium pots with other hands though and limited my losses. Ended up the night about $250 up from about 90mins play.
Oh! I past the $12K mark last night - my new high!
Things are looking up again...I am so glad to have my "game" back again :-)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

So far so good

So I am back to playing my more controlled and disciplined game (ie. tight) and it worked out. I did play one hand terribly weak tight though. I took my tightness a little too far (or short as the case may be). It was a terrible fold and I am ashamed to post it but I will for lessons sake.
I had AK from CO and called a $6 LP bet as did an EP limper. Flop came A62 (2 spades) and LP guy bet $6 which I raised to $18, only he called. Turn was a Q and he led out with a $20 bet. At this point my brain linked his $6 PF bet with AQ and I thought I had been screwed over but I called anyway. The River was a 2 and he bet $35 into a $94 pot. All I could think was the guy got his two pair with AQ and I deliberated and finally folded. What I failed to think about was if he had AQ either he would've check-raised me on the turn or bet a lot more on the river. If he was value betting I would think it would still be at least $55. Like a fricken tool I folded to a measley $35 bet with AK -- he showed AJ. Ah well, poker is one big lesson and I wont make that fold again.
Anyway I made $200 last night for about 3.5hrs play so I was happy. No memorable hand apart from the one above. I was finally on the right side of an AA vs. KK hand. I had raised a couple of limpers to $12 from LP w/AA, Sb called as did 2 others. Flop I think was all low and the SB pushed in his remaining $40ish dollars and I was the only caller. He had the KK. I imagine he would've check raised me if no one else had called PF.
If anyone actually read my blog I would pose this question. If you are dealt AA or KK UTG or UTG+1 do you think 4xBB is a big enough raise? Note: I now consider it a rule to not play them tricky from there, so 4xBB is my standard. But seriously is it enough? If an EP player calls it there is more of a chance other players will call too diminishing my hands value. Yet if I raise to 5xBB or more I may not get any caller at all. At this poin I will stick with the 4xBB raise which I also do with JJ/QQ & AK from the same position.

Oh I thought it was funny that yet again last night I had JJ UTG and riased to $8 and a LP player raised all-in $160. This has happened to me a LOT!! w/JJ or QQ in the last week. Lets assume my opponent has AA, KK or AK; is the all-in bet a good move against a prior raise of anywhere between 4-7xBB raise? Obviously if they have KK or AK they run the risk of being called by AA/KK and if they have AA arent they losing money by forcing me out? I think the better thing to do would be either call and let him be the aggressor or raise to 3 times his PF bet and assuming he calls push hard on the flop. I would think you will more money in the long way playing like that. Other scenario is the guy is on a bluff and also runs the risk of being called by AA/KK. Perfect example happened around 2 weeks ago when I raised a bunch of limpers to $15 with AA and the SB big stack raised me to $150. I pushed and he was pot committed to call with his KK.

Tonight I will gym, play some poker and then go practice some golf. Later all!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Found my game again

The losses continued after my last post and at the low of my week I was almost $1200 in the hole. It wasnt until Friday night that I changed my game and over the next 3 days realized once again what my "game" is. I tightened up PF, didnt call raises with suited connectors nor did I limp in EP with them. I have also decided to stop playing 34s from now on. They practically never hit and I am sick of spending $2 on them. I also stopped raising so aggressively with AQ/AQs. On the flip side I raised a lot more aggressively with AA/KK and sometimes QQ after someone elses raise. If I am first in with those hands (as well as AK) its the SPFR of 4xBB. If there has been 1 or more limpers before me with AK I raise to 5xBB and up. That is, 1 limper 5xbb, 2 limpers 6xBB and so on, up to a max. of 7.5xBB's. If I had AA/KK and lets say someone raised to $8 with a caller I would raise it up to $25. I sometimes did that with just the raiser too. One pet peeve is getting AA/KK UTG. Recently I have been limping with those hands UTG looking for someone to raise. The problem is when no one does and 3-5 people see the flop I am in a very dangerous position. You can guess what happens...I lost a lot of money overall. So another rule I am employing is no more limping (UTG specifically) with AA/KK.

So playing quality hands in such a way as described above I was able to turn my losing streak around. Over the next 3 days I won $800 and basically ended up about $400 down for the week. No one likes a losing week but I was very happy with the end result and glad to have my game back. I seem to go through cycles where I win for a while then forget my "game" and loosen up and bet aggressively with marginal hands. Then I have to find my "game" again. I hope one day I will cut this regression out of my play.

Like normal I still had some tremendous suckouts against me but the key difference was I wasnt leaking (which was obviously a ton of money) from my own bad/marginal play. I think I won my biggest pot ever on Friday which was just after a suckout loss actually...

I had KT in the BB and a few limpers saw the flop.
Flop: 9J8 (2 hearts)
I checked and I believe one guy bet $4 from MP, LP caller and I called too thinking if a Q (non heart) comes it will give anyone with a ten a straight but will give me the nut straight with my K. Thus I called.
Turn: Qc
I led out a $20 bet, MP raised to $40 and LP called. This narrows down the hands that my opponents might have. I assume MP must have a ten possibly trips and I guess LP has a flush draw. Thinking this way I know I could be outdrawn easily and the pot is already juicy so I push in about $130 more and they both call! The river pairs the Jack and I curse thinking I lost to a boat, but I didnt!
MP had JTh - he had a Q high straight and a flush draw.
LP had Q9 for two pair - he played this poorly. His chances of winning were slim and his cost to see the river was high.
So I was happily surprised to see I dodged the bullets and the pot was about $587. Very nice!

The other hand I will report happened late Sunday night. I was having a down session due to my KK losing to KQo. Was typical poor play by my opponent that paid off. He bet $4 PF from EP and I raised to $15 which he called. That is such a bad call on so many levels I am not going to even bother. Flop was JTx and he called my pot sized bet...to cut to the chase the river was an Ace and he won a nice pot. Anyway I was down about $100 and had been playing for 2 hours and decided it was time to quit. I had wanted to quit earlier but on one of my tables there was a maniac who raised a lot and would call down people with Ace high and would fire out bluffs bets all the way to the river. But I was tired and he had dwindled his stack down so I checked off auto post on my 3 tables and was waiting for the blinds to quit. Then maniac boy won 2 hands one of them big and had a stack of about $270. I had already closed one table and then thought "I hate to leave a table with such an easy mark...fuck it, I'll stay until someone busts him, hopefully me!". So I continued playing 2 tables. Maniac is literally raising to $8 every single hand. He does this again from EP and I call with AQ and everyone else folds. Flop comes xxQ and he checks so I bet $15 as he often will call on a missed flop. He must've had total junk as he folded instantly. Very next hand he raises to $8 yet again from EP but this time I wake up with QQ and as said above I now bet aggressively with it and thats an even better policy against this type of player who will most likely call with a worse hand. Maniac guy also had a tendency to chase his draws. I am glad everyone else folded and maniac called.
Flop: Kc Tc Qs (first card I saw was a King and I though "SHIT!" but the final card to show was the beautiful Q)
Maniac led out with a $30 bet. I thought if he was lucky enough to have AJ I would pay him off or try and get lucky with a boat. The board was draw heavy, he could have a flush draw or a J for a straight draw. Whatever he had I was going to make him pay big for it. I raised his $30 bet to $100...and he called!
Turn was 6d - a good card for me
Maniac checks and I push my remaining $90 in and he calls. I pray to the poker Gods for a harmless river card...
River: 5h
As long as he doesnt have AJ/KK I am golden.
Maniac had 8c9c for a draw heavy hand. after his initial $30 flop bet his calls actually werent terrible. His mistake was the initial $30 flop bet. He should've check called the flop and turn but as was his style he liked to bet.
Either way I was ELATED that I had decided to stay just because of this guy and I had managed to catch him out. So I quit right away and turned my losing session into a modest $100 up session. Thus ended my week.
Sidenote: I found it terribly funny when with his last $60 he got it all-in PF with two others and he got his AA busted by AQ which tripped with Queens on the river. BAHAHAHA! Love seeing a suckout player getting sucked out on.

I now am extremely confident I can get my game going on a positive swing again now that I have found my game again. Lets get it on!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

More of the same

Lost another $250 last night and I admit I played a little weak tight. Last nights pockets cards were filled with a ton of single gap and connected suited cards. I dont recall any of them hitting so they sucked a ton of money from me. Once again I ran into a situation like last night where I riased to limpers to $12 w/JJ and one of the limpers pushed in for $170. I folded. I honestly hate the all-in from the other player if he has AA or KK as I think you make more money by calling or raising to say $30 and betting pot on the flop.

Another hand I had KK and called an $11 bet from EP as did 1 other. Flop was QJx. EP raiser overbet pot, $40 and I assumed he wouldnt bet that much if he had trips, but I hadnt discounted AA yet - I was the only caller. Turn was a nothing card and he checked and I debated on the size to bet and went with half pot and if he called would push-in on the river. He called. River was an Ace and he led out with a $65 bet.
Board: QJxxA
I laughed out loud and typed in LMAO as seriously, what could I beat at this point??
His river bet told me he had something and his PF bet usually means JJ-AA, AQ-AK. Of all of those hands I beat ZERO and split with KK. I folded.
He asked why I folded and I said you got me on the river. He told me he had AQ and I believed him.
I know there was one other hand I lost on the river but I cant recall. I also kept on missing the flop or hitting middle pair with suited connector cards, ie. very weak.

So that puts me down $600 in 2 days and back down to $11,350. Although I am not losing money I have not gained any in 3 weeks. I am starting to question myself and I really shouldnt, but I will take a closer look at my play and look if I am wasting money anywhere. I feel I may be betting too much with marginal hands and calling too high of a PF bet with some hands.
Eg. I called a $7 bet with 22 which was raised by another to $21. First guy called as did I. Should I be paying the additional $14 to see the flop with 22? It will hit once in 8-1/2 flops which would mean I would spend ($14 x 8.5) $119 for it to hit on average. So I would need to be positive I could at least make $120 profit when I actually hit it for it to be worth calling in the long run. Is that a leak or would everyone call it?

Well I have a party tonight so I wont be playing. Taking off tomorrow from work to recover from the most likely hangover. So I should be able to play several sessions on Thursday. Lets hope the cards and opponents are more generous to me then.

Monday, July 11, 2005

One of "those" nights

Ok I need to type something to get it off my chest. Just had one of those nights where every card falls the wrong way.

First hand I limp with QJs, flop comes all my suit Ace high. A limp bet a raise I call and another call. Turn pairs the board and we all check. River trips the board and I know I am dead. Last guy bets, first guy calls I fold. First guy has an Ace (actually 2 pair on flop) for the boat, last guy has 95 for a low flush. Not only did the turn and river scare and fuck me but I could've won a bunch off the last guy.

I have JJ in BB button is only limper and SS bets $6 (he has $12 left) so I raise to $18. Button reraises to $72. Just an orbit earlier in exact same situation he had limped in w/AA. I folded and button ended up winning w/KK (good fold me).

I have QQ and bet $6 in MP, am reraised to $24 which I call figuring I am probably good and I put him on JJ. Flop is all diamonds J high. I check and he checks (If he had trip jacks I believe he would check) river pairs the board as well. I make a weak bet of $10 and he raises me $30 more. I decide to fold as I am sure I am beat.

Next hand I have AA and bet $8 with one caller. Flop is 82J and he bets $2 and I raise to $12. Turn is a ten and he bets $2 and I riase to $32. River is a Q putting 3 spades out there, he bets $2 which I call. He has trip 8's.

Very next hand on another table I have AA and made an error. I have a note on my wall telling me to raise anyone who bets 3xbb or less when I have Aces. I called a $5 bet (fucking idiot!). Flop is 782 and he bet $13 which I call, turn is a low card and he bets bigger than pot $65, which I call. River is low ten and he puts me all-in...which I fucking call. He has 87o and rapes me.

I quit shortly after $350 down.

So I played the last hand like a dumbass but lets ignore that for now. Every strong hand I got was screwed over. I hate nights like this. All I could've done to limit it is the last hand to be only down $150...aahh well what can ya do? I just needed to let out the anger through type.

Onto the next session!

BR Week 26

new BR is $11950 making a new high, though if I have my way it should be a new high every week. Profit for the week was about $900 and I wish I could take credit for it...do you mind if I do? Sadly I must be honest and say that of the $900, $200 was bonuses and $450 was my rake for earned from June. Thus I myself made $250 for the week, lol. There is good news though! As I stated earlier I have been playing like an ass and I worked it back to my normal game at the end of the week and managed to win $600 which tells you how bad the early week was progressing. Anyway now that I have my game back I expect to do well this week.

So I had a date on the weekend and it was fun, but she just wasnt what I am looking for. So I tell her I just want to be friends and she suggested "friends with benefits"! That cracked me up.

In other news my escrow is progressing along smoothly and is not the big dilema that everyone has made it out to be. I sign a bunch of paperwork and mail it in - no biggy. I am looking forward to it and as long as poker remains profitable, even if only slightly, I will be fine. Shoot my rake for last month was $450!!!

My roommates b'day is this weekend so I will be partying Sat. night and perhaps I'll meet a single pretty lady...

Friday, July 08, 2005

It's official...

I am playing like an ASSHOLE. Lost another $250 last night, who can I blame?...oh yeah, ME. I have been off my game for a while now and am playing crappy poker. I am pushing too hard with nothing, trying to be tricky with nothing, testing opponents a lot more with marginal hands and generally playing like someone who loses regularly.

I NEED TO: get back to my tried and true game

JESUS! Well at least I know I suck at the moment and I know what I need to do. As long as I do it the money will start coming in again soon.

I have dropped below $11k again (geez how many times has that happened now?). I simply need to pull my finger out and start playing MY "A" POKER GAME again. I need it for my new home, hehe.

As much as this embarasses me, I will post my worst played hand of last night...freaking fool!

I am in the SB w/QQ and raise 5 limpers to $12, one LP player calls me.
Flop: 4h7hKh
I bet $15 and am called
Turn: Ac
I bet $35 trying to represent AK ignoring flush board, he calls.
River: Ks
I bet $75 thinking he may have the flush but I can represent the boat, he calls.
Opponent had: Ah3h
What a fucking moron I am. Now do you see why I am losing?

I keep running into AA/KK when I have TT-QQ. Gets frustrating after a while, especially when flop is low and I am the PF raiser.

Another remedy I will make, tone down my PF raises with AQ. Tone down my test bets. Cut out completely my tricky play. Get back to A game poker.

Singing off now.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Cable is back!

Got cable working again at 6pm giving me time for a couple of sessions. First session was going fine until this hand. I limped with 44 and was the sole caller to an $8 bet. Flop came 4T6 and I check/called his $20 bet. Turn was a low club and we both checked. River was the third club and I bet $20 and he raised me $75 more. I took all my time and called (UGH!) and he showed AcJc. I checked on two dimes what the odds were. On the flop 19 to 1, Turn 5 to 1. My mistake (while using my time clock) was calling his river bet. I think I was too pissed that he hit to fold - emotional play is -EV people! Anyway I ended the first session down $100.

Second session I lost money in several different ways and somehow I found myself down $300!! The weird part is I have no Idea how I lost that much money. All I can think is I lost a ton of little pots as I didnt notice myself losing several hundred dollars. Then one hand caused me to get severely pissed but let me go back to the weekend to set the mood.

I had limped with 88 and was the sole caller of the SB's $8 bet. Flop came 246 and he bet $10 (leaving him with $80). I knew and I mean knew, he had overcards so I made a raise to $35 to tell him I knew it, to tell him I had a pair and to tell him I would call him down. Well he pushed in with AJ and hit his J on the turn...ugh.

Back to last night. I have 99 and limp and along with one other call an $11 raise from a LAG. Flop comes 567 and I figure LAG has crap and I have some outs it he does have a big PP. He has $39 left so I bet $25 to tell him the same as I did the opponent above and to tell the other guy he needs a hand to call. Other guy folds and LAG pushes in with ATo and hits his Ten on the turn. This sets me off!! I am fine with theses guys pushing if they were the aggressor, but I was and not by any small means, they have jack shit and they still push as a 3 to 1 dog. I am sick of it and I am now after this guy big time. Continue reading...

#Game No : 2322369555 ***** Hand History for Game 2322369555 *****
$200 NL Hold'em - Wednesday, July 06, 23:46:00 EDT 2005
Table Table 48924 (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: CREAM22 ( $327.2 )
Seat 3: djlew1969 ( $351.8 )
Seat 4: deweypost ( $50 )
Seat 5: wagz34 ( $288.15 )
Seat 8: poppins34 ( $258.1 )
Seat 10: joelose2000 ( $860.42 )
Seat 2: I_Hold_Em ( $200 )
Seat 7: GetRDoneNow ( $340.65 )
Seat 6: Vike75 ( $94 )
Seat 9: cs1211 ( $41 )
Vike75 posts small blind [$1].
GetRDoneNow posts big blind [$2].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to I_Hold_Em [ 9h 9c ]
cs1211 folds.joelose2000 folds.
I_Hold_Em calls [$2].
djlew1969 calls [$2].
deweypost raises [$11].
wagz34 folds.Vike75 folds.
GetRDoneNow folds.
I_Hold_Em calls [$9].
djlew1969 calls [$9].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 6h, 5s, 7h ]
I_Hold_Em bets [$25].
djlew1969 folds.
deweypost is all-In [$39]
I_Hold_Em calls [$14].
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ts ]
** Dealing River ** [ 2s ]
I_Hold_Em shows [ 9h, 9c ] a pair of nines.
deweypost shows [ Tc, As ] a pair of tens.
deweypost wins $111 from the main pot with a pair of tens.
Game #2322375162 starts.

deweypost: ty
I_Hold_Em: nice call
I_Hold_Em: freaking idiot
deweypost: tu my biatch
I_Hold_Em: yeah u schooled me buddy
I_Hold_Em: bahaha
deweypost: ty
I_Hold_Em: whatever

#Game No : 2322421959 ***** Hand History for Game 2322421959 *****
$200 NL Hold'em - Wednesday, July 06, 23:53:52 EDT 2005
Table Table 48924 (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: CREAM22 ( $327.2 )
Seat 3: djlew1969 ( $295.8 )
Seat 4: deweypost ( $139.65 )
Seat 5: wagz34 ( $277.15 )
Seat 8: poppins34 ( $243.1 )
Seat 10: joelose2000 ( $862.02 )
Seat 2: I_Hold_Em ( $209.85 )
Seat 7: GetRDoneNow ( $333.65 )
Seat 6: Vike75 ( $126 )
Seat 9: cs1211 ( $61.4 )
GetRDoneNow posts small blind [$1].
>You have options at Table 36543 Table!.
poppins34 posts big blind [$2].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to I_Hold_Em [ Jd Jc ]
cs1211 raises [$5].
joelose2000 folds.
I_Hold_Em raises [$15].
djlew1969 folds.
deweypost calls [$15].
wagz34 folds.
Vike75 folds.
GetRDoneNow folds.
poppins34 folds.
cs1211 calls [$10].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8d, 7c, Js ]
cs1211 checks.
>You have options at Table 36705 Table!.
I_Hold_Em bets [$25].
deweypost calls [$25].
cs1211 folds.
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qh ]
I_Hold_Em bets [$25].
deweypost calls [$25].
** Dealing River ** [ 6c ]
I_Hold_Em bets [$75].
deweypost folds.
I_Hold_Em does not show cards.
I_Hold_Em wins $220

#Game No : 2322438595 ***** Hand History for Game 2322438595 *****
$200 NL Hold'em - Wednesday, July 06, 23:56:24 EDT 2005
Table Table 48924 (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: CREAM22 ( $327.2 )
Seat 3: djlew1969 ( $295.8 )
Seat 4: deweypost ( $62.65 )
Seat 5: wagz34 ( $295.55 )
Seat 8: poppins34 ( $239.1 )
Seat 10: joelose2000 ( $863.02 )
Seat 2: I_Hold_Em ( $289.85 )
Seat 7: GetRDoneNow ( $330.65 )
Seat 6: Vike75 ( $126 )
Seat 9: cs1211 ( $41.4 )
joelose2000 posts small blind [$1].
I_Hold_Em posts big blind [$2].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to I_Hold_Em [ Jh Js ]
djlew1969 folds.
deweypost calls [$2].
wagz34 folds.
Vike75 folds.
GetRDoneNow folds.
poppins34 folds.
cs1211 raises [$5].
joelose2000 folds.
I_Hold_Em raises [$13].
deweypost calls [$13].
cs1211 calls [$10].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 6d, Qs, 6s ]
>You have options at Table 36705 Table!.
I_Hold_Em bets [$15].
deweypost is all-In [$47.65]
cs1211 folds.
I_Hold_Em calls [$32.65].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2s ]
** Dealing River ** [ Jc ]
I_Hold_Em shows [ Jh, Js ] a full house, Jacks full of sixes.
deweypost shows [ 9s, Qh ] two pairs, queens and sixes.
I_Hold_Em wins $138.3 from the main pot with a full house, Jacks full of sixes.

I_Hold_Em: bahahaha
deweypost: mo XXXkkkkkkkkkker
I_Hold_Em: bahahahahaha
I_Hold_Em: nice PF cal tho
I_Hold_Em: bahahaha

#Game No : 2322530860 ***** Hand History for Game 2322530860 *****
$200 NL Hold'em - Thursday, July 07, 00:10:35 EDT 2005
Table Table 48924 (Real Money)
Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 3: djlew1969 ( $359.25 )
Seat 4: deweypost ( $60.25 )
Seat 5: wagz34 ( $286.55 )
Seat 8: poppins34 ( $225.1 )
Seat 10: joelose2000 ( $848.12 )
Seat 2: I_Hold_Em ( $367.85 )
Seat 6: Vike75 ( $196.05 )
Seat 7: xmastime ( $194 )
Seat 1: spades109 ( $203.7 )
Seat 9: Nobleut81 ( $196 )
spades109 posts small blind [$1].
I_Hold_Em posts big blind [$2].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to I_Hold_Em [ 3d 9d ]
djlew1969 folds.
deweypost calls [$2].
wagz34 folds.
Vike75 folds.
xmastime folds.
poppins34 folds.
Nobleut81 folds.
joelose2000 folds.
spades109 folds.
I_Hold_Em checks.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 9h, Td, 8h ]
I_Hold_Em checks.
deweypost bets [$4.75].
I_Hold_Em calls [$4.75].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 6d ]
I_Hold_Em bets [$8].
deweypost calls [$8].
** Dealing River ** [ 3c ]
I_Hold_Em checks.
deweypost bets [$15].
I_Hold_Em is all-In [$353.1]
>You have options at Table 36543 Table!.
deweypost folds.
I_Hold_Em does not show cards.
I_Hold_Em wins $395.6
I_Hold_Em: bahahaha

#Game No : 2322545382 ***** Hand History for Game 2322545382 *****
$200 NL Hold'em - Thursday, July 07, 00:12:50 EDT 2005
Table Table 48924 (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the buttonTotal number of players : 10
Seat 3: djlew1969 ( $357.25 )
Seat 4: deweypost ( $74.5 )
Seat 5: wagz34 ( $286.55 )
Seat 8: poppins34 ( $225.1 )
Seat 10: joelose2000 ( $826.12 )
Seat 2: I_Hold_Em ( $394.6 )
Seat 6: Vike75 ( $196.05 )
Seat 7: xmastime ( $172 )
Seat 1: spades109 ( $202.7 )
Seat 9: Nobleut81 ( $196 )
djlew1969 posts small blind [$1].
deweypost posts big blind [$2].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to I_Hold_Em [ 9h 9c ]
>You have options at Table 36543 Table!.
wagz34 folds.Vike75 calls [$2].
xmastime folds.poppins34 folds.
Nobleut81 calls [$2].
joelose2000 folds.
spades109 folds.
I_Hold_Em calls [$2].
>You have options at Table 36705 Table!.
djlew1969 calls [$1].
deweypost checks.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4h, 9s, 6c ]
djlew1969 checks.
deweypost checks.
Vike75 checks.
Nobleut81 checks.
I_Hold_Em checks.
** Dealing Turn ** [ 5h ]
djlew1969 checks.
deweypost checks.
Vike75 bets [$6].
Nobleut81 folds.
I_Hold_Em raises [$18].
djlew1969 folds.
deweypost calls [$18].
Vike75 folds.
** Dealing River ** [ 6h ]
deweypost checks.
I_Hold_Em bets [$55].
deweypost folds.
I_Hold_Em does not show cards.
I_Hold_Em wins $104.4
I_Hold_Em: bahahaha
I_Hold_Em: keep reloading my biatch

#Game No : 2322622066 ***** Hand History for Game 2322622066 *****
$200 NL Hold'em - Thursday, July 07, 00:25:01 EDT 2005
Table Table 48924 (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 3: djlew1969 ( $316.25 )
Seat 4: deweypost ( $74 )
Seat 5: wagz34 ( $251.55 )
Seat 8: poppins34 ( $189.25 )
Seat 10: joelose2000 ( $955.12 )
Seat 2: I_Hold_Em ( $435.35 )
Seat 6: Vike75 ( $235.95 )
Seat 7: xmastime ( $220.85 )
Seat 1: spades109 ( $197.7 )
Seat 9: Nobleut81 ( $209.9 )
xmastime posts small blind [$1].
poppins34 posts big blind [$2].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to I_Hold_Em [ 9c Tc ]
Nobleut81 folds.joelose2000 folds.
>You have options at Table 36705 Table!.
spades109 folds.
I_Hold_Em calls [$2].
djlew1969 folds.
deweypost calls [$2].
wagz34 folds.
Vike75 calls [$2].
xmastime calls [$1].
poppins34 checks.
** Dealing Flop ** [ Kd, 8c, Jc ]
xmastime checks.poppins34 bets [$2].
>You have options at Table 36543 Table!.
I_Hold_Em raises [$6].
deweypost raises [$15].
Vike75 folds.xmastime folds.
poppins34: 9-10 dewey??
poppins34 folds.
I_Hold_Em raises [$69].
>You have options at Table 36543 Table!.
deweypost is all-In [$57]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qc ]
** Dealing River ** [ 3h ]
I_Hold_Em shows [ 9c, Tc ] a straight flush, queen high.
I_Hold_Em: bahahahaha
deweypost doesn't show [ Kh, 7d ] a pair of kings.
I_Hold_Em wins $3 from side pot #1 with a straight flush, queen high.
I_Hold_Em wins $153 from the main pot with a straight flush, queen high.

deweypost: mother fokkkkkker
I_Hold_Em: reload dewey
I_Hold_Em: stupid fishy

And after that hand I quit $40 down for the entire night and in a very happy mood.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Comcast blows

Comcast, our cable and internet provider is down, so I didnt get to play poker or watch tv last night. Supposedly they are coming out this afternoon (how trustworthy is that do you think?) so hopefully it will be working tonight .

So instead I ran chores and chatted on the phone.

Arent you glad I passed that along?

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Up and down

I dont have accurate numbers in front of me for my BR but I know close enough. At my height last week I ended up winning back my intial $1k loss and up $200. That was Sunday morning but then the shit hit the fan. In the first 3 losing hands I played them all right but won none. First hand I had QQ and called an $8 PF bet with one caller. Flop was J high with 2 hearts. Initial raiser bet $15, it was called and I needed to see where I stood so I raised it to $45. The raiser called and the caller raised it to $75. Stunk of a set so I begrudgingly folded. Raiser called the bet. Memory fails me but they both ended up all-in and the PF raiser won with a flush, he had AKh and the other guy had trip Jacks. Next loss I limped in LP w/99 and five of us saw the flop of A29. EP player bet $4 into $10 pot and I called. Turn was junk and he bet I believe $14 and I doubled it and he raised it to $50 which I called. The river was also junk and he pushed in and there was no hand I was scared of so I called. The limping bastard had AA for the higher set! To me it is stupid to limp with AA but I can understand why he did it from EP. But worse for him is when an Ace flops, as obviously no one is likely to have an ace so that would be the end of the hand....UNLESS someone hit payday, such as me. FECK IT! Not sure of my next loss but I can tell you I lost twice more with all-ins: my QQ vs AA and my QQ vs KK. I know there is more, I just cant recall it all. Anyway I ended last week down about $350. Monday started off no better and I lost another $200 to drop to $10,800 before the worm turned a wee bit. While chatting to a lady who IM'd me for 3 hrs I won $400 and though I played a few hrs more through the night I didnt move from that number. So for this new week I am up $200 and resting at $11,200.

I would like this week to be a $1k+ week, as I have done nothing with my bankroll for 3 weeks and I want to start making some $$$$ again. BRING IT!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Good nights work

I went to the gym after work, then made some dinner and satiated sat down to play some 1/2. The night started off well when I raised a bunch of limpers to $12 w/AA. It wasnt so good when I got 4 callers but the flop seemed pretty harmless to me being JTx. I figured no one would've tripped off the J or T so only the x card would do it. It was checked to me and I bet $50 and an EP player called me. Not happy about that but he could easily have a drawing hand such as KQ or a flush draw. The turn card was a nothing card and he checked to me. Well I had decided I wasnt going to be scared of trips so all I wanted to do was milk some action. I paused for a long time already knowing I was going to push to show some weakness and then pushed. He also paused for a while but called anyway. River was no help to either of us and he showed QQ. He had limped from early position with QQ!...I would never do that and it cost him big time. IMHO I think that is a -ev limp.

I won some other hands which I cant recall and after 90mins quit my session $380 up. I figured to take a break and then hop on for 1 more session before bed. Second session was a bit more tame where I chipped up $70 early and then lost it over the next hour. So I was dancing around even and then I made a little bit of money off this hand. I limped in MP w/Ah4h and 5 of us saw the flop of Th 8c 6h. One guy bet $4, another called and I happily called for cheap too. Turn was a nothing card and first guy checked and second guy bet $10 (pot size was $20) giving me 3 to 1 to call and needing 4 to 1 to have the right odds. In the end I figured there was a good chance the other guy would call too so I called as he did. River bought the 7h (flush baby!). First guy bet $10, second guy raised $10 and I raised another $20. First guy folded and the next guy raised me $20 more. I looked at the board and thought, aaahhh, potential straight flush, but for a measley $20 more I will call to see. He had Kh9h's! Freaking dumbass. I quit again after 90mins $120 up.

A great night with a total profit of $500! These last two nights have been awesome and are literally the total opposite of my 2/4 games. The only difference I can tell between my play at the two levels is it is a hell of a lot easier to be aggressive at the 1/2 level as the money bet doesnt feel as significant. For example last night I raised a bunch of limpers to $12 with AQs and got 4 callers! The flop was 886 and it was checked to me and I bet $35 into a $50 pot and they all folded. To me losing $35 didnt seem a big deal but if I was at 2/4 that would mean a $70 bet which would seem wayyyyy more significant.

Ah well. Its not something I am going to worry about for a while as I am going to grind away at 1/2 for a while as I have previously stated. I certainly dont expect the results I have achieved the last two nights and will repeat I am aiming to make about $600/wk.

With the last two nights wins I am now only down $50 for the week. YEAH BABY!