The down side
I finally ended my winning streak and I did it in style, lol. I had my worst week ever!!! A lot of river beats, setups, situations I should have folded in, I assume some bad play and bad beats summed up to -$7850. Whatever.
In truth it is only money, my year has been fantastic and I am healthy and happy so who gives a fuck! Thats how I look at it anyway.
So that loss put me below $100k and today I just managed to get it to $100k even. Now I told myself a few days ago if I got it to $100k I would quit for the rest of the yr., but I dont know if I can do that. I enjoy playing poker and I have a ton of spare time, thus its hard to believe I wont play. Interesting...I just realized I have played for 50 weeks of the year and am up $100k which is an exact avg. of $2k/wk --- sweet. Hands down beats any job I have ever had, bahahaha!!
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