Good nights work
I went to the gym after work, then made some dinner and satiated sat down to play some 1/2. The night started off well when I raised a bunch of limpers to $12 w/AA. It wasnt so good when I got 4 callers but the flop seemed pretty harmless to me being JTx. I figured no one would've tripped off the J or T so only the x card would do it. It was checked to me and I bet $50 and an EP player called me. Not happy about that but he could easily have a drawing hand such as KQ or a flush draw. The turn card was a nothing card and he checked to me. Well I had decided I wasnt going to be scared of trips so all I wanted to do was milk some action. I paused for a long time already knowing I was going to push to show some weakness and then pushed. He also paused for a while but called anyway. River was no help to either of us and he showed QQ. He had limped from early position with QQ!...I would never do that and it cost him big time. IMHO I think that is a -ev limp.
I won some other hands which I cant recall and after 90mins quit my session $380 up. I figured to take a break and then hop on for 1 more session before bed. Second session was a bit more tame where I chipped up $70 early and then lost it over the next hour. So I was dancing around even and then I made a little bit of money off this hand. I limped in MP w/Ah4h and 5 of us saw the flop of Th 8c 6h. One guy bet $4, another called and I happily called for cheap too. Turn was a nothing card and first guy checked and second guy bet $10 (pot size was $20) giving me 3 to 1 to call and needing 4 to 1 to have the right odds. In the end I figured there was a good chance the other guy would call too so I called as he did. River bought the 7h (flush baby!). First guy bet $10, second guy raised $10 and I raised another $20. First guy folded and the next guy raised me $20 more. I looked at the board and thought, aaahhh, potential straight flush, but for a measley $20 more I will call to see. He had Kh9h's! Freaking dumbass. I quit again after 90mins $120 up.
A great night with a total profit of $500! These last two nights have been awesome and are literally the total opposite of my 2/4 games. The only difference I can tell between my play at the two levels is it is a hell of a lot easier to be aggressive at the 1/2 level as the money bet doesnt feel as significant. For example last night I raised a bunch of limpers to $12 with AQs and got 4 callers! The flop was 886 and it was checked to me and I bet $35 into a $50 pot and they all folded. To me losing $35 didnt seem a big deal but if I was at 2/4 that would mean a $70 bet which would seem wayyyyy more significant.
Ah well. Its not something I am going to worry about for a while as I am going to grind away at 1/2 for a while as I have previously stated. I certainly dont expect the results I have achieved the last two nights and will repeat I am aiming to make about $600/wk.
With the last two nights wins I am now only down $50 for the week. YEAH BABY!
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