Still going good
Eurobet has been having connection issues the last week. I am on three tables and one of them will have a connection problem and usually boot you from the table, sometimes just you, sometimes several people and sometimes the whole table. It sucks donkey dick but it is possible it saved me money on one hand...
I had AA and raised to $10 from MP with one limper. The button reraised to $40 and I was debating whether to push in or call and check raise all-in on the flop. I went with the second option and pressed call when the table had anothe connection issue. I was booted and jumped back in to see I had been able to call. The flop came TKx and I checked to my opponnent but he had also been booted but didnt make it back so he timed out. The pot stayed at what it was and the turn and river were dealt, Qx. Opponent had QQ for the best hand and I only lost $40. Now if I had pushed PF would he have called? If I had checkraised him all-in on the flop would he have called? I will never know, but at least the disconnect made sure I didnt lose my stack.
On a hand earlier I had JJ and raised to $8 from EP and was raised to $20 from LP. I called thinking he had AK but of course unsure. Flop came QJA and I decided to lead out a half pot bet of $20. Opponent raised me to $70 and I put him all-in for about $50 more. My opponent had QJo! River was an ace and I boated for the best hand - I am gald it wasnt set vs set!! I was lucky enough to get high pp's a lot last night and as is my new strategy I raise them big PF. Didnt make much off them apart from the JJ hand above. Did win some medium pots with other hands though and limited my losses. Ended up the night about $250 up from about 90mins play.
Oh! I past the $12K mark last night - my new high!
Things are looking up again...I am so glad to have my "game" back again :-)
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