I am back
Ok so I havent posted for a week, probably because my last week for a chunk of it sucked. I started off the week with $3300 and got it to $3500 pretty early before the slide. I lost a sick amount of money over a few days and slid down to $3000 at its lowest. It was a combination of things that caused it and I had a surprising amount of situations with great hands that went south. But even with an increased amount of tough beats it didnt explain my huge losses and for the life of me I thought I was playing my usual game. It wasnt until Friday night I realised what I was doing wrong which was breaking one of my gameplan rules. I was betting too agressively with marginal hands and calling too many aggressive bets with marginal hands and it was costing me a lot of money. And let me tell you my least favourite hand of the week...JJ. Boy that hand has cost me a lot of money. Why do I seem to get called by 3-4 people with my usual raise with this hand? Why does it run into higher PP's so much? Anyway...so over Saturday and Sunday with just a few hours for each day I made back $260 and ended the week at $3260, thus with a $40 loss for week. More importantly it was a good lesson and refocused me to sticking to my gameplan.
Well Sunday I was really sick and was still sick on Monday so called in sick to work. I slept in till 10am and then put in a full days work at the poker table playing from 10am-10pm with breaks inbetween. I just started 4 tabling this weekend and as long as I am not multi-tasking anything else this is easy to do and keeps me interested more as there is always something going on. Sticking to my gameplan the day was the most profitable session I have yet had to date. At the end of the night I had made a profit of $640 with an ending balance of $3900. I was amazed at how easy it was and everytime I took a break I wanted to hop right back on as the money was there to be taken. I avoided betting in any marginal situations and kept it small in others and avoided any big losses bar one. I had pp 9's and the flop came 89T and a SS went all-in (SS probably has top pair at best) and another guy called it, was about $20 I think. Well at this point if I called I may as well push as if he has me beat its all going to get in the middle by the river anyway and if he does have QJ I still have about 25% chance to boat. He did have QJ and I didnt boat. I lost about $80 on that hand and it was my only major loss for the day. Otherwise I took advantage as best I could when I had the best of it and did that all day long. It was such a great feeling to know I had won so much money without making any major errors. If you have noticed my earning history I have averaged a profit of approx. $300 a week, thus to make over $600 in a day is a huge achievement.
When I make that next $100 to get to $4k I will be tackling the $1/$2 level. I assume I will be able to handle this level just as well. I think there will be less idiots to pay me off though and believe me there is a lot of money to be made off of the idiots at the $0.50/$1 levels. I look forward to the new challenge and expect to be hitting it this week.