Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Rivers havent been kind for a while

Played good solid poker last night and was making a nice profit. I am getting frustrated with river rats sucking out on me as they have numerous times over the last week. I get all their money in on the turn and they hit their 3-12 outer. There is no way to bet out people who will chase like this...2/4 table: I call $8w/AJs, 5 of us see a flop, flop come AT2, 2 hearts and EP bets $20 I raise to $40, only he calls. Turn is another 2 and he checks (he has $121 left) and I decide I am ahead and will price him out of any hand and put him all-in to play --> pot is $100 and I bet $125...he calls w/QJh (12 outer) and hits a river heart. He was getting 1.8:1 pot odds on his 3:1 card wouldnt normally bother me but this is just the kind of crap I am running against recently. That btw is the most outs one of these luckfishes has had against me in these river losses. usually its 3-8 outs all our money in on the turn.

How about this Fuck-Knuckle...2/4 table: UTG and EP limp and I raise to to $24 w/KK only UTG calls. Flop is J9x and he checks and I bet $40 and he raises $40, I call. Turn is a 9, he bets $50 ($130 left) I call, River is a J (which I hate) and he checks??...Why would he check?? I have no idea but I am not betting so I check too. FK has 9To!! So not only did he make a bad PF call and then a bad Flop raise but then he didnt capitalize on his suckout with a river bet. Why didnt he bet? Did he think with my PF raise I had AJ or JJ??? Saved me from a river decision...freaking idiot.

I ended the night up $320 but like some other nights all I could think is it could've been so much higher. Either way a very good start to the week. My goal is of course $1k+.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Winning then losing always feels worse

I got off to a great start last night and within 40 mins. was up $400 and then the shit hit the fan. I got my money in with the best hand several times and lost to the river. The LORD giveth and the LORD taketh away. I ended the night up $55...WOO! Still it is always a good thing to end the night with a profit. I think my game is very solid right now and barring river suckouts I believe I will make some good money. Having said it, lets now see it happen.

Monday, November 28, 2005

No internet Sunday

Ended last week $700 up. I was up to $1k when I lost the follwoing hand.
I bet $20 w/AKs and was called from the SB. Flop came 6TK and I decided to play it slightly different than I usually do. I normally bet about 3/4 pot and I had been showing pp's anytime it got to showdown, eg. JJ I decided to make it look like I had JJ and bet the pot thus trying to take it down right there with my JJ. So it was checked to me and I bet pot $45 which the SB then raised by $143. I paused to decide whether to push or call. I decided I wanted his whole stack so called planning to be all-in on the turn. The turn was a 9 and he pushed his remaining $200 and I insta called. We flipped cards and he had KQo and the pot was $820. One card to come and I am a huge fav., but so what, this is poker....river was a Q.

Come Sunday my interent was down all day so I couldnt try and get to my goal of $1k so I guess I'll just have to do it this week :-)

I will call Adelphia tonight and have them fix it (I got their number today, hehe).

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A repeat but definitely no happy ending

Log on for some poker fun and the very first hand I get into at a 1/2 table I limp w/AJs and call a 3xbb bet by a guy I have come to recognize is not a very good player so I am fine with calling and we are headsup. Flop comes AJ6 all clubs and I decide to go for a check raise. Donk bets about $7 and I raise it to $30, he calls. Turn is an 8h and I decide that I want him to know the pot is mine and I overbet the pot and bet $100, he puts me all-in and because it is him, I am fairly confident I am ahead so I call. Donk has ATo, the ten being a club. The river is a club 5...mother fucker!! So immediately my night starts off shitty and it gets no better. I go on to lose $150 w/AA losing to trip 3's. I lose w/JJ twice and KK once and god knows what else. The night ends up being a $360 loss.

There is not much I can do about nights like this...some times poker on!

($200 down this week)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Luck is a fickle mistress

So very first hand of the night I am dealt 86h and the flop comes 4h5h7s...WOW!!...SB bets pot, BB triples it, I call, SB folds. Turn was another 7, which was one of the worst cards I could see. BB checked and I made my big mistake of the hand (though not disgustingly terrible) and bet about 1/2 pot, BB called. River was Jc card and BB lead out a 3/4 pot much as I figured he probably had a boat I was going to call...he had 7h4c, UGH! First hand of my night and I lose almost a whole buy-in with a monster hand, what a great way to start the week.

The good news is later on I had the dice rolling my way. I limped in w/KQs and the flop came Q89 2 hearts. One person weak bet, next person raised it a little over double and I called. In my mind I thought the raiser may have JT...(first bettor folded). Turn was the Qh and the raisor bet out strong but I still put him on the JT and figured I would try to steal it from him representing the flush and min. raised, he called, DOH! The river was the ever so beautiful Kc. Guy checked to me and I put him in for his remaining $60 which he called with....JTo! So I got very lucky on that one. My chances after the flop of winning was 3.7%...SWEET!

The night ended up giving me a $160 profit...after my start a most pleasing night.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Set vs Set

The week ended up being a loser to the affect of -$900. I had recovered some of my earlier losses then Sunday night rolled around and I lost with a flopped set twice within 5 minutes.
First one I had 66, flop came Q86 and I lost to a person with pocket 8's who btw quaded on the river. I have yet to do that to someone, ie. quad on the river to a higher set. Has happened against me 3 times though when I had the high set...oh the humanity! Next one I had TT and called a PF raise and the flop came xTJ, we got it all in on the turn Q which matched his pocket QQ, DOH! Lost a whole barrage of hands this week which were 2nd best. By that I mean strong hands that were one short, thus second best.

I would really love to have a $1k plus week this week. My confidence is low, I want a boost!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Well I guess one great hand will do it

I decided to stick at 2/4 last night rather than pussy out and drop back to 1/2. But as seems to have been the case nothing was hitting me, I was missing or holding the second best and I actually felt myself getting frustrated and ready to tilt play even though I was still around even. I didnt want to fuck up so I decided next win I will quit. I was in the BB w/T3o and it was limped so I saw a free flop with about 5 others. Flop came 2TT rainbow. I checked and one player bet $7 and the next raised to $14. I decided my kicker was pathetic and I wasnt going to be raising this pot so I called and first bettor folded. The turn came a lovely 3. Now I decided to take the lead as with my flop call I was basically telling everyon I had a T so now I was hoping he had a T too but with a strong kicker. I lead out a $30 bet into about a $50 pot and the other guy raised me to $70. At this point I actually thought he might have pocket 2's...I paused thinking how to play and reraised him to $135 and he pushed which I obviously called. He did indeed have pocket two's and my bigger boat took the $790 pot. The player said I was very shit sherlock...but there is no way I would've given him too much money with the kicker I had. So I quit shortly after with about a $435 profit for an hrs play. I was so not into playing last night and was feeling very impatient and felt ready to play loose aggressive. Not my style and I am sure would've cost me big if I didnt pull myself off. I am now down about $350 or so for the week.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Sometimes I suck

So I jumped up to 2/4 last night and was actually dealt a lot of great cards PF but if they went to the flop I got shunted. I was dealt AAx2 QQx2 JJx2 AKx3 and probably ended up $200 down...meh. Any other flop I saw missed me or gave me the second best hand, so through no fault of my own I ended $400 down and was shutting down for the night and only had one table left and called $4 w/89h in EP and it was raised to $10.50 and 3 of us saw the flop. It was 9 high w/2 hearts. First guy checked as did I and the raiser bet $15, first guy called and I decided my hand was strong enough to become the aggressor and I raised it to $50. Only the raiser called. Turn was a low missed card for me and I wanted to take the pot right there so I bet pot $150, which was called. Turn was a J non heart and with the pot at $450 and only $190 left in my stack I pushed in to hopefully take it down there...nope I was called by TT. While I think he played it terribly by calling me down the fact is I LOST! So yet again I blow it at the 2/4 level. I am not going to give this week a chance to be a nightmare so I am going to go back to 1/2 for the rest of the week and try and work it back to even. Assuming I manage that (cross fingers) I will start again fresh at 2/4 next week.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Back from vacation

Well I sent my folks home yesterday and considering I had 2 weeks off of work I would've thought I would be refreshed, but instead I am exhausted. I did manage to get some poker in while my parents were here. I won $1k online and $1.2k in vegas over the last 2 weeks or so. My online BR now sits at $27k...I am not sure whether to include my vegas score in my overall total or not...

With my parents gone, like I said previously, I will now be playing at the 2/4 NL levels. I know I can be very profitable at this level and am actually about $2k up at it, I was simply put off because its start happened to coincide with the huge downswing in bad luck and suckouts that I endured over 2.5 weeks play. I would like to avg. a $1k profit for the rest of the yr. Time will tell.