Monday, November 14, 2005

Back from vacation

Well I sent my folks home yesterday and considering I had 2 weeks off of work I would've thought I would be refreshed, but instead I am exhausted. I did manage to get some poker in while my parents were here. I won $1k online and $1.2k in vegas over the last 2 weeks or so. My online BR now sits at $27k...I am not sure whether to include my vegas score in my overall total or not...

With my parents gone, like I said previously, I will now be playing at the 2/4 NL levels. I know I can be very profitable at this level and am actually about $2k up at it, I was simply put off because its start happened to coincide with the huge downswing in bad luck and suckouts that I endured over 2.5 weeks play. I would like to avg. a $1k profit for the rest of the yr. Time will tell.


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