Sometimes I suck
So I jumped up to 2/4 last night and was actually dealt a lot of great cards PF but if they went to the flop I got shunted. I was dealt AAx2 QQx2 JJx2 AKx3 and probably ended up $200 down...meh. Any other flop I saw missed me or gave me the second best hand, so through no fault of my own I ended $400 down and was shutting down for the night and only had one table left and called $4 w/89h in EP and it was raised to $10.50 and 3 of us saw the flop. It was 9 high w/2 hearts. First guy checked as did I and the raiser bet $15, first guy called and I decided my hand was strong enough to become the aggressor and I raised it to $50. Only the raiser called. Turn was a low missed card for me and I wanted to take the pot right there so I bet pot $150, which was called. Turn was a J non heart and with the pot at $450 and only $190 left in my stack I pushed in to hopefully take it down there...nope I was called by TT. While I think he played it terribly by calling me down the fact is I LOST! So yet again I blow it at the 2/4 level. I am not going to give this week a chance to be a nightmare so I am going to go back to 1/2 for the rest of the week and try and work it back to even. Assuming I manage that (cross fingers) I will start again fresh at 2/4 next week.
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