Monday, November 28, 2005

No internet Sunday

Ended last week $700 up. I was up to $1k when I lost the follwoing hand.
I bet $20 w/AKs and was called from the SB. Flop came 6TK and I decided to play it slightly different than I usually do. I normally bet about 3/4 pot and I had been showing pp's anytime it got to showdown, eg. JJ I decided to make it look like I had JJ and bet the pot thus trying to take it down right there with my JJ. So it was checked to me and I bet pot $45 which the SB then raised by $143. I paused to decide whether to push or call. I decided I wanted his whole stack so called planning to be all-in on the turn. The turn was a 9 and he pushed his remaining $200 and I insta called. We flipped cards and he had KQo and the pot was $820. One card to come and I am a huge fav., but so what, this is poker....river was a Q.

Come Sunday my interent was down all day so I couldnt try and get to my goal of $1k so I guess I'll just have to do it this week :-)

I will call Adelphia tonight and have them fix it (I got their number today, hehe).


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