A repeat but definitely no happy ending
Log on for some poker fun and the very first hand I get into at a 1/2 table I limp w/AJs and call a 3xbb bet by a guy I have come to recognize is not a very good player so I am fine with calling and we are headsup. Flop comes AJ6 all clubs and I decide to go for a check raise. Donk bets about $7 and I raise it to $30, he calls. Turn is an 8h and I decide that I want him to know the pot is mine and I overbet the pot and bet $100, he puts me all-in and because it is him, I am fairly confident I am ahead so I call. Donk has ATo, the ten being a club. The river is a club 5...mother fucker!! So immediately my night starts off shitty and it gets no better. I go on to lose $150 w/AA losing to trip 3's. I lose w/JJ twice and KK once and god knows what else. The night ends up being a $360 loss.
There is not much I can do about nights like this...some times poker sux...game on!
($200 down this week)
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