Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Well I guess one great hand will do it

I decided to stick at 2/4 last night rather than pussy out and drop back to 1/2. But as seems to have been the case nothing was hitting me, I was missing or holding the second best and I actually felt myself getting frustrated and ready to tilt play even though I was still around even. I didnt want to fuck up so I decided next win I will quit. I was in the BB w/T3o and it was limped so I saw a free flop with about 5 others. Flop came 2TT rainbow. I checked and one player bet $7 and the next raised to $14. I decided my kicker was pathetic and I wasnt going to be raising this pot so I called and first bettor folded. The turn came a lovely 3. Now I decided to take the lead as with my flop call I was basically telling everyon I had a T so now I was hoping he had a T too but with a strong kicker. I lead out a $30 bet into about a $50 pot and the other guy raised me to $70. At this point I actually thought he might have pocket 2's...I paused thinking how to play and reraised him to $135 and he pushed which I obviously called. He did indeed have pocket two's and my bigger boat took the $790 pot. The player said I was very shit sherlock...but there is no way I would've given him too much money with the kicker I had. So I quit shortly after with about a $435 profit for an hrs play. I was so not into playing last night and was feeling very impatient and felt ready to play loose aggressive. Not my style and I am sure would've cost me big if I didnt pull myself off. I am now down about $350 or so for the week.


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