Sunday, November 26, 2006

Negative Variance

It finally caught up to me today.

Trying to remember...

flopped bottom set and lost to flopped straight
AQs floped top two and lost to a flopped straight
AK vs AQ all-in on turn lost to rivered Q high straight (gut shot) - he cold called 13bb's PF
QQ pot raised a raiser and was called by KTo who flopped a K (didnt lose much to him - same guy as above this time called 10bb's)
with QQ called a raiser who had KK, I flopped top set and got it all-in on the flop and lost to a runnered straight

Also lost a bunch of smaller pots to a ton of river cards.

My tip: dont talk about running good and impending variance - you are just asking to get slammed.

Didnt lose as much as you would think to all that but its my first big loss in a while...ahh well.

Tomorrow is a new week and I hope to continue what I have achieved over the last 3 weeks.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Now that I reached it I can tell you my personal goal (to reach by the end of the yr) was $100K. Well these last 3 weeks have been awesome so I reached it a month earlier than I was anticipating. I actually hit it on 11/21. I am rather happy!! hehehehe :-)
These last 3 weeks I have played (for the most part) excellent poker and EVERY single time bar one that I have been down in a session I have either broken even or turned it into a winner by the end of the session. I almost feel invincible (yeah right!!).

Actually I just had a session where I was reminded of the reality of poker...

I had AA OTB and the HUGE stack at the table raised $35 in the cut off (CO) and I popped him to $135. Flop was Q84 and he checked and I bet $210 and he pushed, I called and he showed JJ!!! Unfortunately the turn was a J...DOH. Then not much longer I got KK and lost $500 to a guy w/AA. Fortunately I was making hands on one of my other tables and this last hand helped me end $800 ahead.

CO raised to $35, I in the SB called w/66 as did the BB. Flop was 6K9 and I decided to lead out on the flop and hope someone had the King. So I bet $60 into the $102 pot and the BB raised me to $165, CO folded and I smooth called. The turn was another K. Now this I assume is a beautiful ACTION card for me. If he has the K he most likely wont fold it so I decided to lead into him again with a $300 bet and he pushed over me w/KJ and I held up on a blank river. I really enjoyed that hand.

So now that I reached my goal early, anything I make from here out is cream. Obviously I still want to make lots more but the pressure is most assuredly off. I am planning probably in the 2nd week of Dec. to play a ton of poker and see what happens when I dont walk away after getting $1k up, which has been my strategy up till now.

Life is definitely good right now :-)

Friday, November 17, 2006


Poker has been running pretty darn good for me the last 2 weeks. Every time I have had a hiccup, losing as much as $2k in a session, I have come back to either even or slightly ahead to end the session. Last week I cleared $5k and today being friday I am currently up $6.5k. Mmmm, poker is so FINE when I run like this. Who wants to work a regular job huh?! I am only $5.5k away from my personal goal so I am thinking I have a damn good chance of reaching it with one month to spare! If I do great, if not, I'll get there when I get there.

Looks like this week will make a new winning week stretch record of 17. Niiiiiice!

Oh I have a new strategy for the time being. If in ANY session I get $1k ahead I quit right then and there. Doesnt mean I cant come back in an hr or 2 to play again, but for that session I walk away. This pretty much has meant recently the only time I have spent about 2hrs at the tables was when I was trying to come back from early losses.

Having said this once I reach my personal goal I am going to put in one SOLID week where I DO NOT get up from the table no matter how much I am up. I intend to play for 30+ hours in the week most likely 6hrs a day and try to gauge my potential profits if I am truly trying to make a ton. Ya see, I dont try to make a ton - if I win $1500 in a day even if just in an hr I am happy to not play for the rest of the day. Thus I want to see what might happen if I stay and play some long hours. Will be interesting.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Still kicking

I have been enjoying the freedom so much not only havent I been making posts but playing poker about 1/2 as much as normal. All-in all though, I have been winning so I havent felt the need to play a lot more. Last week I cleared a measley $400 but hey, its a profit. This week is much more the profit size I like, then again this week I am playing 5/10 NL. The last 3-4 weeks I have been cruising it at 2/4 but I felt with my lack of time put into my job I had best play at a significant lvl - this week its working out.

I would like to make $13.5k between now and the end of the yr to reach a personal goal I have set for myself. Its not the be all and end all but it sure would be nice to reach. I have seven weeks to do it so basically need to AVERAGE a profit of $2k/week. Good luck me.