Friday, October 06, 2006


My morning session was going really well and I was about $2400 up until a couple of hands took it all away.

1. I had KK mp and raised, SB called and BB pot raised, I smooth called as did SB. Flop was Jxx and SB checked and BB overbet and pushed in $900. If he had AA I am paying him off and I insta called...then SB thought for a bit and called too. SB= AJo, BB=AKo. Turn was an Ace...UGH! If I had won this hand as a 4 to 1 fav. I would've been $4.4k up for the morning!

2. MP min raised to $20 and I popped it to $100 from the SB. Flop was T72 rainbow and I bet $150 which he min raised - I decided to push and he called w/22. So my morning profit evaporated and I walked away $200 up.

So after cooling off upset over losing the $3k pot w/KK I came back and over the next two sessions won $3k so believe it or not I am actually $1850 up for the week! After my terrible yesterday and upsetting morning I am very pleased with this comeback. I figured my 10 week winning stretch was at an end but before I speak to soon (knock wood) I will be playing over the weekend so there is still a lot of poker to go. SHUFFLE UP AND DEAL!!


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