Quick update
For the last week I made an $1800 profit which made up for the week before lasts $1100 loss. The $1800 came so very easily last week and I wish it was always like that especially as I played only half as much as I normally do.
2/4 NL continues to be a loser for me. I am not sure if my game isnt sophisticated enough or I am just having a bad run. Last week I lost $620 in a session so I dropped back to 1/2 and made it all back in a quick 90mins!! That was crazy cool. But everytime I go back to 2/4 I end up losing a buy-in or two.
So Monday I was off work recovering from a ahngover from Sunday nights farewell party and I played a few sessions. As is typical with 2/4 I sucked ass. I overplayed AA and lost an all-in to J9s that had a pair and a flush draw on the flop then 2 paired on the turn. Then I raised an EP raiser of $11 to $35 with my JJ. him and another called. Flop came Ace high and they both checked so I made a deceptive 1/3 pot bet to see if I had any takers. The initial raiser called so I was basically done with the hand except when the turn put a Jack out there giving me trips. Well unfortunately for me the initial raiser had AA so his trips bet mine and I lost another buy-in. After that I dropped down a level again and won a bit at 1/2 to end the day down $650.
Feck it. That puts my BR balance at about $10,740. I will attempt 2/4 again tonight as I havent given up on it yet but since I moved up I have merely been breaking even and that is only because 1/2 has been kind to me when I have needed to recoup those 2/4 losses. The good news is I am at least breaking even! Better that than down a couple of $k. Looking at it another way though, for all the hands I have played at 2/4 I think I am down $3k -- that is freakin terrible. Something needs to change and quick.
On other news, I bought a condo on Sunday!!! Will be my first home (assuming the paperwork goes through) and I am very excited about it. LA home prices are ridiculous so you dont get much for your dollar but I like what I am got, plus my friend just bought there 2 months prior. If everything goes smoothly I will be living there mid August.
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