Tuesday, June 21, 2005

BR Week 23

My worst week to date and only part my fault, pffft (at least thats what I tell myself).

The week never started well but quite simply I lost most of my money through bad situations. Within 2 a hr play time I was all-in 3 times with trips on the flop with my small pp's and lost all 3 to bigger sets. Two of them they had the bigger set on the flop and the other hit his on the turn. I lost an all-in with KQs that made a flush to A4s. I was betting all the way and on the river he doubled my bet and I sickenly knew he had the Ace high and I went to call and somehow pressed all-in, DOH! Many, many other times I would have TPTK and lose to someone who hit their shitty kicker on the river. I must reiterate how much I hate flushes...I f*cking LOATHE flushes and lost to them many times. As the week wore on my game got looser and looser and I tried to play trickier and tricker in a forced effort to win my money back which of course lost me more money. Nothing went right and with my poor play towards the end I had little chance of recovering. I ended the week down $1100 and my BR was about $9550. Oh I had dropped down to $1/2 early in the week after my initial losses but didnt work my usual magic their.

On to week 24!


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