New Dell Monitor
My Dell monitor came last night --> 20" LCD flatscreen with a max. resolution of 1600x1200. The max. resolution means I can have 4 poker tables on the screen with no overlap. I must say it is very cool and I am glad I paid the money for it.
One major hand of note last night.
7 of us limp to see a flop, I am in MP w/KhQc. Flop is Kc Qh 2h. Blinds check, UTG bets $4, I raise to $12, LP raises to $20, Button calls, blinds fold, UTG pushes making it $131 to go...what would you do? My instinct told me UTG didnt have trip twos and nor did I think LP had it, for some reason I ignored the button. I decided to call, LP also called leaving himself about $55 ( I had about $65 left) and Button folded. Turn was a 5s and I decided I may as well put my last in and LP called. River was a 6s. What did everyone have?...UTG had Jh 9h and LP had Js Ts!!
Now I normally wouldnt make that call suspecting trip 2's but for some reason last night I did and won the coin flip - very sweet and about a $580 pot :-)
I shut down my session after that hand $440 up. I played another session later and the flops were no good to me and I was down about $150 when I was getting ready to shut down and my 66 tripped on an all diamond flop. I bet 3/4 on the flop with the blind calling. I bet $15 on the turn and again he called. River paired the board and he lead out a $45 bet and I doubled it which he called. He had the nut flush on the flop, bahaha. So second session put me up $10 so overall the night was a $450 profit baby!
My two nights this week have just paid off my new monitor...god I love poker!
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