Friday, August 05, 2005

Donkeys have their day

My hands wont always hold up against Donkeys and last night they had their laughs. I think I had 3 major suckouts when I had strong hands and I dont really remember the first two but I think I only lost about $100, it was the final one that took a buy-in. It was a family limped pot and I was in the SB w/AKs and raised it up to $20. Big bets dont scare Donkeys and I got 2 callers. Flop was 2AA (WOW!) and I lead out with a $20 bet, got called. Turn a 6, lead out $45 got called. I assume he has an ace so it should be a nice payday...River is a J and he has $75 left but I dont really want to tell him I have AK and he will probably push anyway so I bet $45, he pushes and I call. Opponent shows AJo...UGH! Pot size was about $350. I think it was yesterday I was commenting on how the Donkeys call me with their Axs hands and I cant wait to have AK against them when an Ace hits the flop...hmmm...didnt quite work out as I imagined, lol.

Luckily other Donkeys had paid me off throughout the night and I won a little bit more before quiting $75 up. If I had won the AK hand above I would've quit straight away and been about $350 up....aaahh well, there is always tonight.


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