Tuesday, June 07, 2005

First night of 2/4 NL

Yowsers. Wasnt long into my session before I was $100 down. I decided only to two table so I didnt overextend myself at the new level until I was comfortable with it.

It was tough, seemed a big step up from 1/2. In 1/2 you could often limp into seeing a flop but that isnt very common at 2/4. There is also a lot more aggression and a lot of raising. No doubt a lot of test betting too. I got a ton of high pp's, mostly QQ and JJ and most of the time they did me in. They were not good to me last night. Either the flop sucked and/or I got raised on my PF bet. Only one pocket pair all night tripped with 5 in the flopp (88), flop was J8x 2 clubs, I bet 3/4 pot and everyone folded, grrr. But when I hit TP and Invariably ran into something strong eg. trips. At one point I was surely down $300 and on some kind of tilt because I shot three times with a bluff as follows.

4 limpers to a pot I have 98s UTG, flop is 234 (2 diamonds), blinds check and I figure this is a good pot to steal and if the blinds call I will check/fold. I bet $15 and UTG+1 calls & blinds fold. Damn!...the turn is another 2 and I figure maybe that card will scare off any flush chaser so I bet $35, he calls. Shit!...river is another 2 and I wont win the hand unless I fire again so I figure I will put out a bet that looks like it wants a call but is still somewhat big. So I bet $40 into a $100 pot and he folds...WOOHOO!...and WHEW! On other table I win $200 pot when I flop the nut flush and he calls all my bets. So I am still about $150 down and was going to quick but just felt I could win a big hand at some point during the night so I stayed. A bit later I get AA UTG and decide to limp hoping for a raise. Its folded all the way around to the button and he raises to $18 (YAY!) and SB calls. I dont like two callers to my Aces so I am either going to take the pot now or play against one of them and I raise it up to $75 - both call (surprised). Flop is I think 997 or 779, either way I liked it. Sb checked and I bet $150 and UTG pushed for about $135 more, Sb folded and I called. Turn and River were K & T. He had JJ so I took my big pot. Same table I get AK next hand with 4 limpers so I raise to $25 and one calls. Flop is T32 (2 hearts) and I bet $40 and am raised $40 more - I fold. Other table I get QsQd and raise to $20 get 1 caller, flop comes AK9 (3 spades), check check. Turn a J he bets $15 and I call, river an x, he bets $30 and I fold. So two hands later I had lost $100, lol.

Anyway I quit there for the night $99 up and pleased I didnt lose. The competition was a lot tougher and there seemed to be fewer chances to limp into a flop. I feel I overbet AK too much PF making me have to bet a large amount on a missed flop and fold if raised. I hope all nights arent as tough as last night otherwise this new level could be a real challenge. Time will tell and I'll tackle it again tonight.


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