Monday, June 06, 2005

BR week 21

To the numbers...won $1650 during the week to put my BR to $10,425. I wanted to reach $10k this week and I well and truly did. My goal adjusted during the week as I hit the $10k mark so quick. By Fri. my new goal was to have a $2k week. Sat. morning I only had to win $350 over 2 days (weekend days!) to make it. But quite simply Sat. and Sun. blew. Was a combination of problems: I played subpar, I never got any action with my high pocket pairs over both days. When I got trips I either got zero action or someone sucked out on the river. Likewise when I got a flush it came with a rivered boat. I just could never get it going and was always fighting to recover losses. I cant be too disappointed as it was a great week and the weekend only cost me $100.

One sotry from Sunday I must impart. Was at a table with an aboslute MANIC! He would raise preflop anywhere from $2 to $125 regardless if there was zero limpers or a bunch. In fact he would do it even to raises. His typical flop bet was all-in. He as building his stack as no one was prepared to call his ludicrous bets and quite frankly I hadnt seen any of his hole cards yet. First hand I saw of his he bet $20 PF UTG, MP raised to $40 and he called. Flop was KJx and he pushed in, MP called. Maniac had 22, MP had AA, river bought his third 2. Ok so now I know he is retarded. Also saw some of his other cards to see he would puch on any flop he had a pair of any kind and just total bluffs. So he has made it to about $600 and I get QQ in LP with a few limpers, maniac is a blind. I raise to $12 and only he calls (he will call anything). Flop came 887 and if he has an 8 so be it. He bets $20 and I want to milk him so I call. Turn is a 3 and he bets $75 and I push-in for $80 more, he calls. River is another 3 and he shows down 35s, UGH. So that makes it twice in a row against AA & QQ where he had 2 outs on the river that he has made it. If I had only won that hand I would've been very close to my $2k mark now I am instead down $200. He continues his ways and people are just waiting for strong hands to double up off the guy. One person does against his total bluff (nothing new). I get QQ again same scenario as above and he calls my $12 bet. Flop is T7x I think. I bet $25 he calls. Turn is an Ace (yuck), I bet $50 and he pushes in (S.O.B.), as much as I hate the call he is such a total maniac I am praying he doesnt have the Ace. He doesnt he had T8o and the river didnt help him. So I got my money back. He continues his losing chips on ridiculous bets against two pairs and trips with total bluffs. He got as high as $890 before blowing it all. The only all-in calls he won were against the AA & my QQ. When he left a guy said at the table the maniac is on his buddy list and he has played with him once before and he played exactly the same.

You could literally feel the rest of us at the table chomping at the bit for a hand to play against him. I am actually moving up to $2/4 NL this week bu if I see him I will drop down to $1/2 to try and get an easy double up.

Speaking of $2/4 NL, it will be my first attempt at it tonight. I am a little gunshy at this point but if I play my same game not much can go wrong. I only really lose big if I lose to a suckout or run into a bigger monster. I dont lose a chunk of chips to any other situation. Of course I can lose a buy-in from antes and missed flops, but lets not be thinking negative!

I will feel a whole lot more comfortable at the new level if I can start with a winning session and a winning week. Wish me luck!


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