Thursday, June 01, 2006

The good and the bad

Overall I had a very good day and it was quite the see saw compared to most days I face.

Two suckout hands 1 for and 1 against me.

2/4 NL, I have AK and raise it to $14 and get two callers. Flop comes AK7 and the blind leads out with a pot bet which I decide to call and then the button pot raises it. The blind folds and I figure it will be a split pot so push in, button calls with a set of 7's...River is a K :-) ($850 pot)

3/6 NL, I have AK and raise one limper to $30 and get a call after me. Flop comes QJx and I dont like my position or the flop so check it as does caller. Turn is a beautiful T rainbow board and I decided to bet it strong and bet pot $75 and caller raises me to about $225. Once again I assume its a split pot and push in. Caller instantly calls w/QJo and rivers a J :-( ($1250 pot)

The rest of the day was all over the place. Lots of ups and downs but way more positives than negatives. I believe it comes down to the fact that I do my best to maximize my strong hands and minimize my medium to weak hands as any winning poker player must.

So the week is going great...if only I had also won the $1250 pot hand!...aaahhh, dreams are free.


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