Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Monday

And Happy Valentines day to you all. Monday was made up of a HOT table and a COLD table but the HOT table won out overall and I actually had a good day. I love starting each new week off with a winning session, it always puts me in a positive frame of mind.

If there is one obvious flaw in my poker psyche it is the fact that I dont handle losing ANY amount of money very well. I dont tilt, I dont swear, nothing like that. I just get midly depressed and feel like I have no skill. It is something I must get over because if I ever have a long dry spell it could really add to the negative curve with that attitude. The silver lining to that is the way I play my style my game is VERY consistent and I dont often have to worry because I am not often down and if down, down only a little. I have had a couple of shocking sessions in my career though. One day I lost $2500 in a day!! Nope you didnt read about that one. Another one I lost $3400 straight over a 2-1/2 week period. Both losses I bounced back from, but I wonder how I would handle it if I didnt bounce immediately back...

As is the case when you are winning almost every session, I feel I am playing my "A" game and poker is a nice little money tree.

What do you think of my play here?

On a 1/2 NL table

UTG limps I raise to $9 in MP, SB calls as does UTG. Flop 4TQ rainbow, checked to me and I bet $15, SB takes a long pause and raises to $45 and only I call. SB has a huge stack and I have $148 left at this point. Turn is a nothing card and SB leads out $70, I decide the best course of action is to fold....My feelings are if I call $70 I may as well push....people do hit trips against big pp's and he is representing it....I decided to give it up. This hand shows you why you can get paid off big with a made set against overpairs because I am a champion at folding and even I find it hard to fold an overpair.

I would love to have another $2k week, but lets not get too greedy huh.


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