Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Not an Ass

Pulled my act together today and knew I wasnt going to do anything stupid, whther the cards would be good to me is out of my control. Well I didnt do anything stupid, the cards were good and I played them well. Managed to take a couple of nice pots and get the week going well.

On a 2/4 Nl table - I had 66 in the BB in a family limped pot, the flop came 6AK and I led out 1/2 pot of $12 with 2 callers. Turn was a 5 and I led out $20, UTG raised to $60, other folded and I reraised to $140, UTG pushed in his remaining $40 and I held up vs his AK.

On a 1/2 MP raised to $7, LP called, I in SB called w/TT and BB raised to $20...we all called. Flop camed 89T, I checked BB bet $30 the other two folded and I raised to $90, he called. The turn was another T - quads baby! - I have $180 left and he has me covered, I bet $90 he calls, river is a 7 and there is no way he will fold at this point and I push in and his KK is no good! His mistake was his pathetic raise PF. By raising to only $20 versus that many people who were willing to play for $7 wasnt going to get anyone to fold. And considering his unwillingness to fold to action he needed to raise to at least $35 for us to have to at least pay a chunk to get lucky. Hey I appreciated it!

Would like the week to continue like yesterday!


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