Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Loosening up

I dont think I am playing very well at the moment. I am being looser and trickier than normal and I think it is costing me profit. I got down $300 early last night and only managed to get it back because of a slowplay AA vs QQ where the QQ guy played his hand badly. I ended up $50 for the night but only because I made a risky move and it happened to pay.

I limped UTG w/99 and the button raised to $10, I was the only caller. Flop came 257 and he bet $25 which I called. Turn was a Q, I checked he bet $50 and I raised to $135, he folded. Now if he had a high PP I am sure he would've called my turn raise. Now what would I do on the river...let it go or try for it with a big bet...Too risky for my blood. I get more often burnt than not.

Good news is I am up $50!! WOO, lol. I want to tighten up from here on in and hopefully make a $1k+ week.


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