Tuesday, April 19, 2005

BR week 14

This is a day late due to a busy Monday and MEGA frustration with my final 24hrs of poker play. I didnt play much last week but by Sat. morning I was $300 up. Saturday morning through early afternoon was a blister and I won about $800 dollars. Only ran into about 3 suckouts and the majority of my hands held up and more importantly held up in the big pots. Then from Saturday afternoon up till Sunday 10am I lost $700!! That is by far the most money I have lost in a 24hr period and had me absolute fuming and pissed me off for the rest of the day. I am still not sure how I lost so much but basically ran into a lot of suckouts and bad luck. Overplayed a few hands and lost $200 my KK against an AA (that I wasnt mad about). Anyway, I was still up for the week but it turned my great week into a "meh" week. My BR after week 14 is $4600, a profit of $360 for the week.

I finally last night joined a different poker site where I will now earn rake back. For those who dont know of this...when you play a hand the site takes 5% of the pot up to a mximum of $3. By joining certain programs you can get 25% of your rake back in a payment program usually paying once per month. At the levels I play at this will equate to about $200-$400 a month. It basically depends how much I play that month. To make about $400 in rake I would be looking to play about 15ooo hands. So I joined the program and deposited $1000 into Eurobet (Party skin) and played there for the first time last night. Eurobet compares poorly to Pokerstars but I will put up for it to get 25% of my rake back. I am going to see if I can find the same program for Party Poker. Anyway, it sucks because they didnt have very many tables available for the level I play at and the waiting lines varied from 7 to 19 deep. So each time I made myself onto a table I had to go through the same waiting line again to get on another. I also dont like the graphics and find it difficult to read the pot amount on the table as the writing is small. They also have a "Bet pot" button which makes it easier for the chumps to actually make a more correct bet. Hand histories are sent to a folder in my personal PC and I havent checked how fast I can check a played hand yet.

Now to actual gameplay...On my first table maybe 15 mins in I got A7diamonds on the button with a couple of limpers before and I called, 5 of us played. Flop came 457, 2 diamonds. So I had TPTK and the nut flush draw - very playable hand. Pot was $10 and it was checked to me and I want play on this hand so I bet the modest amount of $6 and got one caller. The turn was the Ace of clubs so I now had top 2 pair. Was checked to me again, pot is $22 and I bet $16 and the guy reraised me $49 more. This made me step back and think...I didnt put him on a straight so he probably has either an Ace with a strong kicker or trips...I decided to call as I still have a chance to make a boat or a flush. River is a Ten of spades. Guy pushes in for his remaining $123 and I go into the think tank...this is when I realize Eurobet does not give you the one minute to think that PS does. As much as I was dreading him having trips I decided my hand was worth the call. Fireworks go off on the screen meaning I won the hand and my opponent showed 45clubs for a worse and overplayed 2 pair. Lucky for me and I'll take it!

The other memorable hand on the night was on another table and I was dealt TT on the button. It was folded to me and I made it $6 to go and the BB called. Flop came AJT, nice for me yet I also know KQ is a common hand to play... It was checked to me and I bet $10 and was then raised $15 more. I am willing to call reasonable bets as he may have two pair and even if he has the straight I can still boat. Turn was a K, arrrggghh. So any Queen now makes a straight. He bet $30 into a $62 pot so I was definitely going to call. River was a 9 and he checked to me...okay if I bet I have run into situations where I have been reraised all-in but usually a check means he doesnt have the Q which means my hand is most likely the strongest. So I decide I will bet a reasonable amount to make some more money if I am the best but small enough that I can fold if he pushes. It will also look like a Queen hand bet so he is less likely to push with a bluff. So I bet $30 and he called and showed AJ for two pair.

I finally got on a third table close to an hr after starting and then thought, "ya know what, I am just over $300 up for the night why dont I just quit here and keep it". So thats what I did. I played for an hr and made $318 - very nice! I have decided that is going to be my new strategy during the week. If I get well up, no matter how long I have been playing I will quit for the night and gauruntee keeping that profit - I figure $200 is a good amount to make me quit for the night. Otherwise I will just grind it out and end with whatever happens. Weekends are a different story and I guess I'll just see what happens.

So a great start to the week and a nice pick-me-up from a disappointing end to week 14. Isnt it funny how your mood can get tied to how well you do at the tables...


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